Saturday, 26 October 2019

Pennsylvania Woman's Giant Cookie Monster Front Door Display for Trick-or-Treaters Goes Viral

Sesame Street fans living in one Pennsylvania neighborhood are in for a sweet treat this Halloween!

Lisa Boll has been a huge fan of the children’s animated series for a long time and wanted to find a special way to commemorate its 50th anniversary this year, WHTM reports.

So the York Township resident decided to go all out for Halloween and decorate her front door with a giant display of one of the show’s most beloved characters — Cookie Monster!

Using vines, styrofoam and blue spray paint, Boll was able to transform her average front door into a massive Cookie Monster design, reaching from the roof of the house down to the ground, with the character’s open mouth as the pathway to her door.

The vibrant blue-colored vines and plants, which stretched around her home’s entrance, down toward the walkway and to part of the flower beds, made up Cookie Monster’s body and fur.

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Meanwhile, two large circles of styrofoam were used to create the oversized puppet’s eyes and the chocolate chip cookie inside his mouth that he’s currently munching on.

Boll said she didn’t expect the unique Halloween decoration to grab as much attention as it did.

“It was surprising how many people get a big kick out of it,” Boll told the outlet, adding that drivers frequently pull over to snap a photo with their kids in front of the extraordinary display.

RELATED: There’s a Real Sesame Street in New York City in Honor of the Show’s 50-Year Anniversary

As for why she believes it’s been such a big hit in her neighborhood, Boll said it’s because it attracts people of all ages.

“It’s fun for Halloween and it’s not a horror thing, so it appeals to kids under the age of 3,” Boll explained. “It’s not scary.”


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