Sunday, 1 July 2018

PerezHilton Gist - Sean Spicer Wrote A Book & Is Pitching A Truly Awful TV Show In Desperate Bid To Stay Relevant

Sean Spicer, go away for good already!!
The former Press Secretary to Donald Trump who left in disgrace early in the Cheeto-in-Chief's administration is making the rounds pimping a new book about his time in the White House… and he's got a truly HORRIBLE idea for a TV show that he's hoping to pitch to networks, too.
Spicer's book is called The Briefing: Politics, the Press, and The President — though a better title would undoubtedly be The Briefing: Y'all Remember How Many Times I Lied To You? Crowd Size Crowd Size!!!
Anyways, no one is going to read this shitty book — especially not Donald Trump, who reportedly doesn't read anything at all.
Nevertheless, Trump did tweet about the book earlier today implying he has read it, which we can safely assume is probably a lie (below):
Yeah, OK Donald, suuuuuuure you read Spicey's miserable little excuse for a book.
But that's not even the funniest part of the story!
How ’bout this: according to another new report , Spicey is promoting a TV talk show, as well!!
Spicer reportedly had this REMARKABLY MORONIC idea for a talk show and figured it could get him back in the national spotlight (below):
"The former Trump aide is also reportedly shopping a talk show, dubbed Sean Spicer's Common Ground, to television networks ahead of the filming of the show's pilot episode later this year … Spicer would host 'some of the most interesting and thoughtful public figures for a drink and some lite conversation at a local pub or cafe.' No networks have picked up the show as of yet."
LOLz! Of course no one has picked it up yet — because it's a truly dog shit idea for a show fresh from the head of a man who thought there'd be no social consequences for lying to the American people, only to be somehow shocked when the President ended up turning on him.
Literally no one wants to watch a show called Common Ground, especially not from a buffoon like Sean Spicer.

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