Monday, 19 February 2018

Hollywood drags US President, Donald Trump for blaming Parkland Florida shooting on FBI Russia investigation

Hollywood stars have roasted US president Donald Trump after his tweet blaming the Parkland Florida shooting on FBI's Russian investigation.

As the survivors of the mass school shooting that left 17 dead were proposing a rally for stronger gun control in the United States, Trump tweeted:"Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable.

They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign - there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!"His tweet, which many saw as"insensitive" sparked outrage, especially among celebrities who then attacked Trump from Saturday night into Sunday.

People called out the president for politicizing a tragedy and trying to discredit the FBI as they are conducting an investigation into the 2016 election.

Trump didn't stop at the tweet criticizing the FBI but went on to share another tweet accusing Obama of meddling in the 2016 election. He then ended the tweet with the question, "But wasn't I a great candidate."

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