Justin Theroux Enjoys a Sweet Candle-Lit 'Date Night' with His Rescue Dog Kuma
Justin Theroux and his adorable rescue dog Kuma are spending quality time together.
While self-isolating amid the coronavirus pandemic, the Leftovers actor enjoyed a candle-lit dinner date on Saturday night with his pit bull mix, whom he rescued in 2018 in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
In the first of several photos posted to his Instagram Story, Theroux showed Kuma sitting upright at the table with a plate of food in front of her. The actor added a heart emoji above Kuma’s head and wrote “Date night” on the photo.
On the next two slides, Theroux documented Kuma eagerly chowing down on her plate of food, writing, “Dainty Lady.”
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In the final video, Theroux called his pup a “good girl” as she finished eating her dinner and distantly stared at the actor.
“Tadaaa,” he wrote on the video, adding, “That’s it. That’s the post.”
Theroux introduced Kuma — which means bear in Japanese — to the world in a June 2018 Instagram post, also thanking all of the people who made the pit bull’s adoption possible.
According to Theroux’s Instagram stories at the time, a dirty, injured and sad-looking Kuma was rescued from the devastating aftermath of Hurricane Harvey and brought to a “high-kill shelter.” Before the pit bull could be euthanized she was pulled from the shelter by A Chance to Bloom Dog Rescue in Conroe, Texas.
The non-profit gave Kuma a chance to heal and grow more confident. Theroux, a pet adoption and pit bull advocate, first heard about the dog while working with rescue group Austin Pets Alive!
View this post on Instagram MEET KUMA (くま) !!!There are too many people to thank for Kuma…. @jesslee81 and William and everyone @chancetobloom You are the heroes who took Kuma from death and loved her back to life. Also @austinpetsalive for steering me towards a new adoption. And also… of course Katie and Ryan and all the pilots with @pilotsnpaws … showing that ALL breeds can fly. Especially the ones most in need. PLEASE, if you follow me… check out the work ALL these people do, day in and day out… to rescue and help the voiceless. If you are looking for ANY kind of Dog or Cat… PLEASE adopt one. You can find ANY breed. Even really fancy ones in need of homes. Don’t believe me? Think of a breed, go to petfinder.com … and see for yourself! And oh yeah… thanks @petfinder for all you do too! If you can… please go to the link in my bio and see what @chancetobloom does. And please make a donation in Kuma’s name. #pitbull #adoptdontshop #pittiesofig #dontbullymybreed #rescuedog #くま
A post shared by @ justintheroux on Jun 9, 2018 at 8:27pm PDT
Although Kuma wasn’t ready to come home with the star yet, Theroux, who drove to Houston, Texas, to meet Kuma, “always checked on her,” he said on Instagram at the time.
While the actor eventually got word that Kuma could be adopted, he had no way of getting her back to New York City, since many commercial airlines won’t fly bully breeds.
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Luckily, Pilot N Paws, a non-profit organization made of up of volunteer pilots willing to fly adopted pets to their new homes, stepped in and offered to give Kuma a ride.
Theroux said that soon after, Kuma landed in “NYC-ish” and met her new forever family. He greeted Kuma in tears at the airport, gave her a big hug and took her home to a new life filled with care and affection.
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