Meghan McCain Shares Photo of Note Warning The View Staff Not to 'Steal' Hand Sanitizer from Work
It looks the hand sanitizer shortage amid the ongoing coronavirus outbreak has made its way to The View.
On Friday, Meghan McCain shared a photo taken from backstage on her Instagram, in which a bottle of hand sanitizer is taped onto a mirror in what appears to be one of the studio’s dressing rooms.
“Is it worth losing your job if you steal this?” a note written on the tape read, seemingly suggesting that some employees may have been swiping the germ-killing product from work.
McCain, 35, captioned the amusing image, “Seen backstage @theviewabc #coronavirus #contagion
View this post on Instagram Seen backstage @theviewabc#coronavirus #contagion
A post shared by Meghan McCain (@meghanmccain) on Mar 6, 2020 at 2:40pm PST
RELATED: No, You Shouldn’t Make Homemade Hand Sanitizer with Vodka — Wash Your Hands Instead
Hand sanitizer has been one of the most in-demand items as people prepare for the coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, and social media posts and local news outlets have shown the sold-out shelves at grocery stores around the country.
This week, Texas-based vodka manufacturer Tito’s had to remind users on social media that its product is not an effective solution to fight germs. The advisory came after people started looking up recipes to make their own hand sanitizer as a last resort — using everything from isopropyl alcohol to hydrogen peroxide to vodka.
As the brand pointed out, “per the CDC, hand sanitizer needs to contain at least 60% alcohol. Tito’s Handmade Vodka is 40% alcohol, and therefore does not meet the current recommendation of the CDC.”
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But while hand sanitizer can help to reduce germs, even those with 60 percent alcohol “do not get rid of all types of germs,” according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
To successfully wash hands, the CDC recommends that people wet their hands with clean, running water — warm or cold — and soap their hands thoroughly. The agency encourages people to lather between the fingers, as well as under the nails and on the backs of hands for a deep clean.
Along with keeping hands clean, the World Health Organization also said that people should avoid touching their eyes, nose or mouth — particularly after touching unknown surfaces — amid the coronavirus epidemic.
The agency also said that people should also try to keep about 1 to 3 feet between themselves and a person who is coughing or sneezing — and that person should make sure to cover their mouth and nose in their elbow.
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There have been 231 confirmed cases of coronavirus in the United States as of Friday, with 14 people — 13 in Washington state and one in California — having died from a coronavirus-related illness.
Maryland, Colorado, Nevada and Pennsylvania have since announced their first cases of the disease.
Coronavirus is a blanket term for several respiratory illnesses, ranging from the common cold to more severe viruses such as SARS, or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome.
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