Tuesday, 4 February 2020

The Bachelor: One Woman Accuses Another of 'Drinking Excessively' After a 'Mental Breakdown'

WARNING: This post contains spoilers from Monday’s episode of The Bachelor.

Week five of The Bachelor picks up in the midst of a woman-on-woman war.

Monday’s episode picks up with the contestants bickering over Peter Weber‘s decision to bring Alayah back into the house after originally sending her home over concerns that she was being “fake.”

“I don’t care what anyone in there says. I know that you have an amazing heart,” Peter tells Alayah after pulling her aside (and saving her from the lion’s den). “I felt such a strong connection with you from night one.”

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But even Peter, 28, admits that the heat they are both catching might not be worth it in the end.

“I think that, just with everything that’s happened, this is a little too much,” he says. “I don’t want to have to put you through anymore of this. I think it’s probably time to say goodbye.”

And just like that, Alayah is gone — again. Peter apologizes to the rest of the women and for creating a “toxic” situation, which they seem to mostly accept.

RELATED: All About The Bachelor’s Alayah Benavidez, Who Returns to the Show After Being Eliminated

“I’m asking the women to trust me right now, but I feel like a lot of them probably don’t,” he says. “I deserve to be called out. I messed up. That was a slap in their face, and I see that now.”

Even with that drama out of the way, Peter still has to get through another rose ceremony. He decides to send Deandra, Kiarra and Savanah home.

The group then jets off to their second destination of the season: Costa Rica!

But as fans know, Peter sustained a forehead injury in a golf cart accident in Costa Rica during a day off from filming. While the accident isn’t shown at first, Peter shows up with a bandage on his head and fills the women in on what happened.

“I ran into a golf cart,” he says with a laugh after concocting a story about a run-in with a puma. “I had a glass in my hand, as I hit my head I then shattered the glass into my head. It just sounds ridiculous. I frickin’ stabbed myself in the head. I will never forget this experience.”

RELATED: The Bachelor Sneak Peek: Ambulance Called After Peter Weber’s Golf Cart Injury in Costa Rica

Peter wastes no time in whisking Sydney off for their one-on-one. After taking a helicopter ride, the two sit down for a secluded picnic where they spend time talking about their backgrounds, and of course, making out.

“You know, you’re the best kisser,” Peter tells her. “That’s our secret. Don’t tell anyone.”

Later, during dinner, Peter and Sydney solidify their connection when she opens up about her parents’ divorce and her estranged relationship with her father. Feeling like he’s finally “peeling back the layers” of Sydney, Peter gives her the rose.

“We have that spark that is undeniable,” Peter says.

Back at the house, Kelsey, who had a one-on-one last week, is starting to feel the pressure of competing for Peter’s attention. She breaks down into tears while talking to Tammy.

“I’m very sad,” she says. “I’ll never be okay . There’s never an end.”

Clearly upset, Kelsey lashes out about Sydney being on a date with Peter.

“She’s a dramatic f—— bitch,” she says. “I don’t care about all these girls and their drama.”

Following the group date (a bikini photoshoot with Cosmopolitan Magazine), Kelsey tells Peter that despite feeling insecure about the process, she’s falling in love with him.

“Honestly, I never expected to have feelings this strong,” she says. “It felt really good to get the validation I did tonight. It made me really happy.”

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But that happiness doesn’t last long after Tammy tells Peter about Kelsey’s “breakdown” the other night.

“Kelsey had a mental breakdown because Sydney went off with you in a helicopter. She was sitting by herself crying her eyes out,” she says. “I’ve seen multiple times that she’s drinking excessively.”

Peter then grabs Kelsey to ask her about the problem.

“I was emotional, but it wasn’t a breakdown,” Kelsey replies through tears. “I want you to know I didn’t have an emotional breakdown. I was sad, I was really sad. It’s not like every day has been like that. It was just the first time after a one-on-one where my feelings were really strong.”

When she returns to the group, Kelsey is determined to find out who talked to Peter about her. The women then turn the issue around on Kelsey, accusing her of talking about other women behind their backs and spending too much time in her emotions.

Kelsey leaves the night in tears, while Hannah Ann walks away with the group date rose.

For the second one-on-one, Peter takes Kelley to a spiritual guru, where they strip down to their bathing suits for a cleansing ritual.

Kelley seems to have a hard time opening up during the experience, which worries Peter. “I feel like I’m giving more than her,” he says. “I need to know, are you in this or are you not?”

Peter brings up his concerns with Kelley during dinner. “Because I do care and I do like you, I wanted to see that you do want this. I can’t go any further having reservations. I need to know that your heart is in this.”

Kelley admits that she pulled away while trying to adjust to the process, but she assures him that she’s fully invested in exploring her feelings.

“I want someone to be my other half,” she says. “I want to be with someone who we are a power couple. I’m looking for someone to challenge me on a day to day.”

While he admits he’s still feeling a little hesitant about how open Kelley is to the journey, he decides to give her the rose.

Back at the house, Kelsey confronts Tammy about the group date drama. Things get heated after Tammy admits she was the one who talked to Peter.

“I wasn’t the one drinking, I know exactly the words that were said,” she says. “I’m just concerned for your wellbeing.”

“I don’t know why you think I drink so much,” Kelsey says. “I was tipsy, I’m not going to lie, but I wasn’t wasted. I was emotional, so why does it bother you so much?”

The conversation prompts Kelsey to go talk to Peter to clarify where she “stands” with him.

“For some reason, Tammy is going around telling everyone that I have a drinking problem. Then it turned into popping pills,” Kelsey says. “It’s very hurtful.”

Peter theorizes that Tammy could be jealous about his relationship with Kelsey but says her willingness to come talk to him only proves how strong their connection is.

“It’s sad to me to think that she was made to feel that uncomfortable,” he says. “I loved that she felt the need to come over and it meant enough to her to clarify things with me.”

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Peter makes the impromptu decision to give Kelsey a rose right then and there.

But when Kelsey returns to the house and tells the other women what happened, they aren’t happy. Things escalate when Peter decides to cancel the cocktail party.

“It just kind of sucks because maybe if you hadn’t gone to talk to him, maybe we could have had a cocktail party,” Lexi says.

Tammy finds herself in the hot seat when Kelsey says she told Peter about the pills comment, but she claims Victoria P. was the one who told her about the drug allegation, which Victoria P. denies. Kelsey says the only pills she takes are “Adderall and birth control.” Tammy lashes out at Sydney for criticizing her over involving Peter in the house drama, labeling her a “princess.” The other women are upset that rumors are distracting from their potential time to make connections. Literally, everyone starts crying.

Before Peter starts handing out roses, Tammy asks to pull him aside.

“I would just hope that you would never think that I’m coming from a malicious place,” she tells him. “I’m here to focus on my relationship with you.”

Feeling left out, Mykenna interrupts them to tell Peter how much the drama has been weighing on her. While fans don’t see much of the conversation, Peter is left standing alone and looking distraught.

He eventually returns and sends Lexi and Shiann home.

The Bachelor returns Wednesday (8 p.m. ET) on ABC. Share your thoughts on tonight’s episode in PEOPLE’s exclusive Facebook group for Bachelor fans.


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