Sunday, 1 September 2019

Eric McCormack And Debra Messing Face Backlash Over Response To Hollywood Trump Fundraiser

Eric McCormack and Debra Messing are facing backlash over their response to news there would be a Hollywood fundraiser for President Trump.

The Hollywood Reporter broke the news yesterday revealing a Beverly Hills fundraiser will take place the same week as the Primetime Emmy Awards. Both of the Will & Grace stars used Twitter to put those who dare to attend the fundraiser on blast.

“Please print a list of all attendees, please. The public has a right to know,” Messing tweeted in response to the report.

Her costar and good friend, McCormack also wants to put Trump supporters on notice. He sent his own message via Twitter too.

“Hey, @THR. Kindly report on everyone attending this event, so the rest of us can be clear about who we don’t wanna work with. Thx,” the actor declared in response to the news.

The fundraiser is part of President Trump’s re-election efforts organized by Trump Victory.

It didn’t take long for Messing and McCormack’s Tweets to gain attention. The comments section of both erupted with people slamming the actors for their response in putting Hollywood people who support Trump on notice.

“Said the woman who made her fame on a show that denied gay actors a chance to play the lead and then humiliated the one homosexual actor by making him play his part like a minstrel show,” wrote @Markitan8dude in response to Messing’s post.

“I’m no Trump “fan,” but this is beyond a douche move,” shared @RickyAcker on McCormack’s post.

“Boy that tolerance and inclusivity sure went out the window, huh?” remarked @SaraGonzalesTX to the actress’ request to names.

“He’s the guy that culturally appropriated the gay culture for profit but now wants to dictate the actions and beliefs of others,” expressed @TrevieDee to the actor.

Will & Grace stars Debra Messing, and Eric McCormack have come under fire for demanding a list of people who are attending a Trump fundraiser in Hollywood. They have both been extremely vocal regarding their dislike of the current presidential administration.

Critics are now accusing the famous TV stars of modern-day McCarthyism. They are also taking issue with them making such a demand by saying if it had been a different president the request would never have been made.

It is a hot button topic for sure. What do you think of Messing and McCormack’s demand a list of attendees at Trump’s fundraiser is made public?


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