Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Joshua Bamiloye slams lady for mocking his dad over Lucifer movie

Joshua Bamiloye has slammed a lady who mocked his dad Mike Bamiloye after he shared a tweet which criticizes the series Lucifer.

Joshua Bamiloye slams lady for mocking his dad over Lucifer movie

Joshua Bamiloye took to Twitter yesterday condemning the series which he says is being used by Satan to win souls to himself.

He tweeted:

There’s a show
Azin the devil o lol
And you,
Knowing how captivating foreign series can be,
You still watch.
Now you LOVE the character; Lucifer,
Like Jack Bauer.
And somehow you think,
the devil isn’t winning your soul over…

He added:

This tweet really exposes how bad things have gotten. Satan is far more smarter than we think. It’s not just sitting around waiting for rapture to happen. He’s turning as many hearts as he can to himself using MOSTLY the media. It’s the easiest most subtle way for him.

That being said, this isn’t to scare us, but to remind us to stay vigilant, wise, keeping our hearts and spirit on what glorify God. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus.

A Twitter celebrity, Fola @Thefavoredwoman lashed at Joshua’s Christian movie producer dad by stating that he makes low quality movies.


“Your dad’s poorly researched, badly scripted and low budget attempt at movies didn’t do Christianity any favors either”
No fewer minutes, the son of Mike Bamiloye reacted to the claims of Fola, by blasting her in resonse to her ealier twitter condemning the film production of his Father- Mike-Bamiloye.

He responded:

“Lol There were a million ways to counter this tweet in a mature manner, but You took the primary school “insult your father” route”.

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