Thursday, 16 May 2019

Elderly man dies after 25-year-old female passenger pushes him off bus (Video)

A 74-year-old elderly man has died after a 25-year-old woman pushed him out of a bus after they had an argument.Elderly man dies after 25-year-old female passenger pushes him off bus (Video) - lailasnews

In Las Vegas, a woman, Cadesha Bishop was in an argument with other commuters as well, Police revealed but the old man, Serge Fournier told the woman to be “nicer to other passengers,” New York Post reported. When the bus stopped, the woman pushed the elderly man out of the bus as he was preparing to exit the vehicle, causing the man to fall on to the sidewalk.

candesha-bishop pushes elderly man off bus to his death - lailasnews

Footage of the incident which happened on March 21 was captured by the surveillance camera on the bus. Unfortunately, one month after the incident, the 74-year old man succumbed to his injuries at the hospital and died.

According to the police report, the elderly man was riding an RTC bus when he heard Bishop swearing at people. The report also says witnesses heard Fournier tell Bishop “to be nicer to passengers”. But the young lady didn’t take the criticism well and she got into some sort of verbal argument with Fournier. When the vehicle came to a stop to allow passengers off, as Fournier turned his back to walk down the stairs to exit the bus, Bishop is seen in surveillance video pushing him.

He died on April 23 as a result of complications from blunt force injuries, CNN reported.

His death was classified as homicide. The woman was arrested and is currently being held at the Clark Country Detention Centre on bail.

Watch the horrific moment below.

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