Friday, 9 February 2018

Big Brother NaijaTobi is the perfect example of hownot to be a Yoruba demon

When Tobi Bakre, big muscles, beard gang and a track record of being a ladies' man on his side, went into the Big Brother Naija House, most people who knew or had heard of him expected much from the young banker; that he would be this edition’s resident Yoruba demon.

The term “Yoruba Demon” is one of those expressions that has come to mean more than their literal connotations; that obvious simple reference to a tribe and evil spirits.It refers to the idea of a very desirable Yoruba man, who exudes confidence, charm, finesse and has a way with the ladies.

In a show likeBig Brother Naija, there’s always room for a Yoruba demon. The show relies a lot on the interaction between male and female housemates and the sexual tension that this creates.

It would have been the perfect environment for Tobi to weave his way closer and closer to the 45 million prize.Instead, from what we saw yesterday,he is on his way to being disowned by his family, the Yoruba clan and the entire countryafter he spent an entire four hours begging a fellow housemate, Cee C for crimes he did not commit.

Last night’s events did not come as a surprise to many when she doesn't love you back since Tobi and Cee C were placed in the same group by Biggie, the faceless voice of the show’s host, his eager advances towards her have been with met with lethargic behaviour.

It was hard to tell if she was not interested or just being downright confused. Either way, Tobi fell for the bait, hook, line and sinker. One day at a time, he has basically thrown himself at her feet or mouth and in nearly all cases, she has curved him like a Juninho free-kick.

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